Teflex is breathable BFM® connector made from pure woven PTFE and can be used in high temperature applications and with either caustic or acid products.
  • Capable of running at high temperatures – continuously operating at 260°C / 500°F with short term surges at 280°C / 536°F.
  • Can be used on products across the full pH scale, i.e. either caustic or acid products will not effect Teflex.
high temperature BFM connector
BFM Teflex woven connector
Teflex Woven
Physical Properties
Fibre Teflon PTFE
Color Natural (black)
Construction/Finish Basket weave
Weight 678g/m2 / 20 oz/yd2
Thickness (mm) .5 / 1/64”
Tensile Strength (kgf) Warp 90
Test Standard: ASTM 5034 Filling 100
Max. Operating Temp 260 ̊C / 500 ̊F
Max. Surge Temp 280 ̊C / 536 ̊F
Low Temp Flexibility Good
Surface Resistance (Ohms) Insulative
Air Permeability (cm3/cm2/sec@125Pa) 0.3
(f t3/ft2/[email protected]”wg) 0.5

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